Your weight is not only dependent on the amount of food you until you take in relation with the combustion thereof. Also, your hormone balance largely determines your fat burning. You draw are determined in food and the storage of fat by your hormones. In theory, you can eat less and exercise even gain weight. Permanently lose weight with hormones are not in balance is a tricky business . To keep your hormones in balance you nothing excessive as to do. Make sure you get enough sleep get, drink every day at least 2 liters of water and exercise regularly.
To control our bodies in a good way, there is a whole army of hormones for us to work. Below are the hormones that our appetite, metabolism and stress experience have to manage change task. Lose weight by bringing our hormones in balance, is the result of avoiding stressful situations, have enough sleep and be aware of what you eat.
The hormones in your body in a positive way to influence you to realize an optimal balance. In addition, follow a natural diet where you have artificial additives, gluten-containing and avoids dairy products as much as possible. Sport is not an exaggeration, that in the long run is not good to keep full. Every day 1 hour of exercise is sufficient, and try as much as possible in stressful situations to be involved. Prolonged stress can cause serious health problems because of the Cortisol Production interfere in our body.
If you are overweight and you think it is the imbalance of your hormones for more information please contact your GP or dietician . Affects your hormones and your weight are birth control pills and certain medications. Do you think you caused weight gain, it is your right to request a different version of the medicine or consult a specialist dietician.
Tip! Also, grab this book for a very good explanation of what hormones do with your body. There are many useful tips regarding bringing your hormone balance in balance.
Which hormones do?
Hormones are substances that are produced in our body and regulate the functioning of our organs and tissues. They are necessary for our growth, sexuality and aging. Without this control hormones, we could not function. Think of Type 1 diabetes patients whose pancreas no longer produces the hormone insulin. Blood sugar becomes so disturbed that without artificial administration of the insulin hormone even death.To control our bodies in a good way, there is a whole army of hormones for us to work. Below are the hormones that our appetite, metabolism and stress experience have to manage change task. Lose weight by bringing our hormones in balance, is the result of avoiding stressful situations, have enough sleep and be aware of what you eat.
- Testosterone: Gives you energy and resistance to stress and stimulates fat breakdown and muscle building.
- Estrogen: The lack of it is you fat in menopausal women! Because of the imbalance that occurs between Progesterone and Estrogen can hold more fat. Estrogen also ensures strong bones and prevents wrinkle formation.
- Insulin promotes fat storage and muscle building.
- Cortisol: Controls your immune system, resistance to stress and keep your sugar levels in your body stable. This hormone you absolutely need to live.
- Melatonin: Ensures that you get to sleep and increases your resistance to diseases.
- Thyroid hormone: hormone important in determining your weight. Fast or slow your thyroid makes too thin or too thick.
- Growth hormone: This hormone gives your muscle mass and allows for fat burning. At low levels of growth hormone increases the fat from your body.
- Ghrelin: It is secreted by your stomach lining and this is the culprit that gives you a feeling of hunger. A disturbed Ghrelinegehalte ensures that you get hungry at the oddest times, and eating.
Lose weight with hormones
Keep your hormone levels at youth level
In the course of the years, and especially after our 40th year, the production of estrogen, growth hormone, testosterone and progesterone less. However, This is the hormones that keep us alive and young. Using hormone therapy, it is possible even in old age you 'aging' hormones in such a such a way to bring balance back to you slim, fit and youthful continues to look like. Being aware of what you do with your hormones, your eating and living habits like customization can help you lose weight with hormones without having to follow harmful crash diets where you actually only more upset your hormones.If you are overweight and you think it is the imbalance of your hormones for more information please contact your GP or dietician . Affects your hormones and your weight are birth control pills and certain medications. Do you think you caused weight gain, it is your right to request a different version of the medicine or consult a specialist dietician.
Tip! Also, grab this book for a very good explanation of what hormones do with your body. There are many useful tips regarding bringing your hormone balance in balance.